Tuesday, June 18, 2013

31: Special Recipe

We have my host mother's grandchildren visiting and she prepared a very unique cake just for their arrival. To me it has a lot in common with banana pudding but at the same time is still very unique.

First you should mix warm water with a packet (15 grams) of gelatin. As the gelatin is solidifying mix half a liter (or half a mason jar) of smantana ( soured heavy cream) and combine it with about a half cup of sugar. My host mother added a few drops of Barberry extract but I don't think this is readily accesible to most Americans, though a few drops of vanilla extract would probably work just as well. Mix the heavy cream and the gelatin together.

Take a large bowl and cover the bottom with animal crackers and then cover with the heavy cream mixture. Add in any fresh fruit you may have on hand such as raspberries. Covering each layer of fruit with another layer of crackers and the cream.

Place the finished product in the refrigerator to cool and set overnight and enjoy eating it by the next day.

Pofta Buna!

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