Thursday, June 20, 2013

29: Shadows of the Past

A part of Moldova's rich history is its half a century as a member of the Soviet Union. The effects and evidence of which are still visible pretty much everywhere you look both in the culture such as the  prominence of the Russian language in an area that is predominately ethically Romanian and also politically. The communist party still holds the most seats in the Moldovan parliament though the communist party of today has little in common with the communist party of the Soviet Union.

And then of course there is Lenin.

While most localities have exchanged their Lenin statues for a statue of the Moldovan historical figure Stefan cel Mare there are still locations that have Lenin watching over them, including the nearest town where I have to go whenever I want to go to an ATM or visit a restaurant. However, Mr. Lenin's days are numbered as I've heard that the statue is for sale and though I haven't gotten very many specifics the rumors tend to say for the low price of about a million euros you could make this statue your very own.

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