Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Return of Winter

The weather recently has been rather harsh. It keeps promising beautiful sun-filled days but as soon as you step outside you are smacked in the face with a bitter cold and fierce wind. I struggle to think of any time this winter that I have been this cold which is odd since according to the Moldovan calculations we are technically well into Spring. But I guess this won't be too big of a surprise to anyone on the east coast of America where they are pretty much getting the same strong wintry weather.

Aside from staying warm inside I am currently looking forward to my last home stretch of teaching English in Moldova. I only have ten weeks of school left in addition to a week long break for Easter and I will be done. But I am still trying to keep myself busy. We will be having English Week in about a month so I am trying to keep myself productive by working on that.

I've also heard more rumors that my village might get another volunteer once I leave this year. It would be a Health volunteer like we were suppose to get last summer. I hope everything works out this time it would be a lot easier to stay connected to Moldova and especially with the village I live in if there was another American taking my place after I leave.

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